

Willem de Dekenstraat 1/0001
B-8000 Brugge

E-mail: vvr@vvr.be
Tel: 0032 50/25.00.60
Fax: 0032 50/25.00.65

VVR, Association of Flemish Travel Agencies

Founded in 1975, the association of Flemish Travel Agencies today represents over 75 % of the Flemish travel agencies and tour operators. VVR offers a wide range of services to its working (travel agencies) and associated (principals) members.

VVR is accredited by the Ministries for Tourism, Transport and Trade. VVR is not only consulted by the above-mentioned Departments, but has permanent contacts with the Ministries of Finance, Foreign Affairs, Economic Affairs and Education. VVR has a seat in the board of several official committees such as The high Council for Trade, The Flemish Institute for Independent Enterprising, the IATA-Agency Programme Joint Council, etc.


VVR defends the interests of the profession in general and those of its Members in particular, towards all Authorities specifically on the following aspects:

ARBITRATION: VVR mediates in disputes between colleagues and suppliers.

AUTOMATION: VVR guides you through your steps towards up-to-date management techniques and acts as a specialised advising body.

CONGRESSES: VVR organises, at least once every three years, its International Congress and participates in all UFTAA Congresses.

CONSULTING BUREAU: VVR owns a consulting bureau to assist you with your commercial problems beyond the aims of our Association.

COOPERATION: VVR stimulates cooperation between travel agents.

DEBT COLLECTION: VVR assists you in collecting difficult claims.

DEONTOLOGY: VVR interprets professional ethics and clarifies what can and what cannot be accepted in relation to customers, suppliers and colleagues.

EDUCATION: VVR assists in educational programmes for tourism. Within our “Institute for the Travel Agent” a number of practical courses are organised.

ILLEGAL SALES: VVR combats, by all means, the selling or retailing by non-licensed entities. It presses charges, prosecutes and demands penalties.

INDIVIDUAL ASSISTANCE: The most important aim of VVR is and remains the individual assistance in every economical, social or personal problem you may be faced with.

INFORMATION: VVR has an extended library of documentation concerning the travel industry as well as a large database at the disposal of its members.

INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATION: VVR is a Member of the “United Federation of Travel Agents Associations” (UFTAA), recognised by the United Nations.

LEGAL SERVICE: Our legal department consists of the best experts in our sector. Free legal expertise and advise save you your membership fee multiple times.

LEGISLATION: VVR permanently analyses the law concerning the profession and lobbies with politicians in order to adapt legislation to the reality of the profession.

LICENCES: Delegates of VVR in the Advisory Committee of Travel Agencies are acting as adviser as to refusing, suspending or withdrawing licences.

MODEL CONTRACT: VVR is pursuing the concept of uniform contracts, forms and General Selling Terms towards customers. This resulted in a Model Contract on General Terms.

PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS: VVR publishes “the Structure of the Travel Industry”, “Vademecum for the Travel Agent” and “Tour operating in Europe”. These are standard publications for the Travel Industry and basic instruments for the management of your company.
PUBLIC RELATIONS: VVR represents “the Tourism & Travel Trade” towards the media and tries to improve its image.

SALARY SCALE: VVR publishes and interprets salary scales applicable in our profession.

TAX LAW/VAT: VVR helps and advises in disputes with all the Authorities concerned.

TOURISM ARBITRATION BOARD: VVR is a founding stimulator of the Tourism Arbitration Board and has a decisive vote in operations and management.

VVR/UPAV: There exists a close cooperation between our Association and UPAV (Union Professionelle des Agences de voyages), the French-speaking Association of Travel Agencies.


Travel trade law

Liability insurance is required in all regions and is provided by several insurance companies. The VVR-members are mainly insured via an agreement between VVR and “Amlin Insurance SE”.

Only consumers can benefit from this insurance.


VVR is member of UFTAA (United Federation of Travel Agents Association). With this membership, VVR exclusively represents the Belgian tourism industry worldwide. Antoon Van Eeckhout is deputy director of the board of directors of UFTAA.